Well, after being at the DLD in Munich this week, there has been lots of articles talking about my speech. Here is a list of a bunch, but I can't read them all as they are in differtent languages. :-)


„Es gibt ein geflügeltes Word unter TV-Bloggern: Jeder wird seine 15 Minuten Ruhm haben. Ich sage: Jeder wird für 15 Leute ein Star sein. Video-Blogs fangen dort an, wo die klassischen Medien keinen Zugriff haben, weil sie einfach nicht überall sein können.“
Did I say that?

Look Behind Screen:

Das erste Panel gehörte dann auch gleich zu den interessanteren. Vor allem die Beiträge von Loic le Meur und Gabe McIntyre waren cool. In beiden Vorträgen ging es um das Thema Blogs, bei Gabe im speziellen um Video Blogging ("Vlogging"). Mit seinem Videoblog Projekt XOLO.TV gehört Gabe zu den aktivsten in der Szene.

Lunch Over IP:

A few other things picked up today: a great website offering a tutorial on how to videoblog: freevlog.org; the video Gabe McIntyre took with his cell phone while he and a friend were being random-searched by the police in Amsterdam (it's in the archives of gabe.nl);

Cablogrammi di Massimo Russo:

Video, video, fortissimamente video
Tutti concordi sul fatto che il 2006 e il 2007 su internet, per i paesi dove la banda larga si è già diffusa, saranno gli anni del video. Quello prodotto o ritrasmesso dai giganti del settore (T-Online ad esempio in Germania ha da poco acquisito i diritti per il calcio della Bundesliga), e quello realizzato da soggetti poco più che amatoriali, come ha dimostrato il regista Gabe McIntyre con la sua Xolo.tv, un canale di distribuzione globale di video a costo zero, o come testimoniano siti quali Youtube.


Gabe McIntyre from Xolo.TV - made a very visual and interactive presentation about Vloggging ie.Video Blogging and showed us lots of examples of how ordinary people equipped with just video enabled mobile phones have started to document their surroundings and even launch their own "TV" programs.


One of my favorite pull quotes - Gabe McIntyre, of xolo.tv. "Blogs are OK, but there is so much text, and I hate to read..."
